To begin this post, I want to let the church know that we have met our fundraising goal for our youth mission trip! Thank you all so much for your incredible generosity.

With that, let's continue to explore having a mission mindset.

James 2:14-16

Brothers and sisters, it doesn’t make any sense to say you have faith and act in a way that denies that faith. Mere talk never gets you very far, and a commitment to Jesus only in words will not save you. It would be like seeing a brother or sister without any clothes out in the cold and begging for food, and saying, “Shalom, friend, you should get inside where it’s warm and eat something,” but doing nothing about his needs—leaving him cold and alone on the street. What good would your words alone do?

Matthew 5:14-16

And you , beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or a chair, and the light illuminates the entire house. You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me, and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it.

This week we talked about the importance of living out of living out our faith when we are on mission.

The James passage speaks to the reality that the purpose of our faith is to transform who we are and how we live. To give lip service to the Gospel and not love like Jesus is pointless.

The Matthew passage reminds us the whole point of our faith is to be seen like a light or a lamp. When we live in step with the Gospel message with whole-hearted devotion to Jesus, God says people will turn and praise Him.

How awesome is that! It is a high calling but we have the Spirit of God with us.

Here are some questions to aske your students:

  1. What does it mean to be an ambassador? What specific words can you say, or actions can you take, to represent Christ in a way that honors Him when you serve in the community or on a mission trip?
  2. Do you think being discontent with a situation or experience can inspire positive action? Can this discontent motivate us further to share Christ’s love?
  3. What situations might you come across during sering in a community or on your mission trip that will be difficult to see and experience? How can you use each other as encouragement?
  4. How can you be praying for the community before you arrive to serve?

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, May 7 - After 9:15 AM Service - Graduation Sunday
  • Wednesday, May 24 - 6:30 PM - Mission Trip Parent Meeting
  • Sunday, June 11 - 7 AM - Leave for South Dakota
  • Saturday, June 17 - 8 PM - Arrive Back at Church
  • Sunday, June 25 - 5 PM - Mission Trip “Thank You!” Dinner
  • June 29- July 4 - Summer Camp