Marion Ripley joined us this week and shared about Godspell, a musical based on the Gospel of Matthew. Marion has hosted the youth in her home, made food for our Halloween party, and been very supportive of the ministry. She is outstanding.

There is a showing of Godspell on Sunday, May 7 at 2 PM that we are looking at attending.

We also watched the BibleProject video overview of the Gospel of Matthew.

It was a reminder that Jesus is amazing. It was also a great reminder that those who responded to Jesus didn't always fit the mold of that the religious leaders of the day thought should. Of course, Messiah didn't fit their mold, either.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 26 - 2 PM - Connect Weekend (at the Michauds)
Wednesday, March 29 - 6:30 PM - “Egg the Neighborhood”
Saturday, April 29 - 8 AM - Bed Build for Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Sunday, April 30 - 8 AM - Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, May 7 - 2 PM - Godspell the Musical (students should let me know if they want tickets)
Sunday, May 21 - 4:30 PM - Mission Trip Parent Meeting