Hello church!

Last night the youth spent the night “egging” the neighborhood (the middle schoolers joined in as well). Don’t worry the cops didn’t get called. The eggs that the church stuffed with candy and invitations to our Easter activities were delivered to doorsteps and mailboxes of houses all around Wyatt Park Christian Church.

I personally had a couple of great interactions with people as we delivered eggs. One was a young man who was riding his dirt bike (and popping wheelies around the neighborhood) and the other was a sweet older woman. It was a great reminder that we have a diverse group of people around us.

We are praying that these invitations might be the final push for someone who has been wrestling with Jesus and coming to church.

We look forward to seeing how God uses the efforts of the church to His glory!

Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday, April 5: NO D6

  • Saturday, April 29, 8 AM: Bed Build with Sleep in Heavenly Peace at the WPCC

  • Sunday, April 30, 9 AM (Student setup at 8 AM): Pancake Breakfast

  • Wednesday, May 24, 6:30 PM: Parent/ Guardian Meeting for the Summer Missions Trip

  • June 11-17: Summer Missions Trip to Cheyenne, South Dakota